Thursday, October 13, 2011

We Love: Cross Boots!....For Horses!!

Skid, showing off her cross boots, which are
looking a little dirty...
(we use them ALL the time!)

Black Bell Boots
Black Splint boots.
(you can get these in a 4 pack, two for
the front and two for the back!

Red Bell Boots, you can get the splint boots in red too!

The bottom three pictures I took off the TWO PECANS TACK LLC site which is one of the many places you can buy these boots at. I bought mine from the farm and ranch store BIG R.

Besides looking good these boots are very important for horses to wear when they are asked to do strenuous exercises. The bells boots in the front help the horse front "Over reaching" (stepping their hind hoof too far forward, and clipping, or stepping on their front heal) Over reaching can cause serious lameness problems, so boots are a great precaution! Plus they help from injuring the tendons of the lower leg. You can read more about protective boots by clicking here. You can also watch this video of how to correctly put on splint boots by clicking here.

REMEBER! Take account for your horses safety, if you are counting on them to be in top competitive condition, you need to take every precaution to keep them, fit, healthy and sound! Happy Trails!

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